In the cave
Another RP-character. This time a bard from a Dungeon and Dragon one-session adventure
Vampire the masqurade
It shouldn’t be a surprise that I’m a role-player, so here are some sketches from VtM sessions…
First kill…?
When I wanna be a little more physical on LoL, Riven is always a fun choice! Although I tend to get a little to daring sometimes..
From time to time I play League of Legends. My computer ain’t that good on keeping up with games though so once I grow tired of lagging to much I take a break. But when I play Karma is one of those I really enjoy playing as! And I really like the design on her dress!
Nice hug

Should this be marked as NSFW?


Not all sketches I post will be a show-off. Some, like this, will be very mundane. But I really need to practice domino masks, always had trouble with those!